Monday, April 26, 2010

Gift Tip #27: The Art of the Compliment

Maybe I picked up this book for the wrong reason... when I cracked open the book in the store the first page I fell upon was an excerpt of a love letter from Dwight Eisenhower to Mamie Eisenhower and I was like "Wow, he LOVES this woman". Being the hopeless romantic I am, I made an impulse purchase.

Since then I have browsed through the book and have decided it makes a good gift for anyone who wants to make people feel like they are on Cloud 9, the unique book lover or those who need a nudge with kindness... it really does go a long way!

Some things that you can look for in the book:
-a brief history of compliments
-occasions when you really should try to make a compliment
-potentially awkward situations to defuse with a compliment

One key point made in the book is that you should mean every compliment you say. I think that is the most important point you should remember. Please don't fake a compliment...isn't that just a lie? Also, you never know what people are going through. A compliment could really make their day.
Remember the Eisenhower love letter that made purchase the book? Here's a bit of it...
On the day you open this letter you'll be 46. I'd like to be there to help you celebrate, and to kiss you 46 times (multiplied by any number you care to pick)...In any event I will be with you in thought, and entirely aside from the usual congratulations and felicitations I will be thinking with the deepest gratitude of the many happy hours and years you've given me...
I've never wanted any other wife-you're mine, and for that reason I've been luckier than any other man.
PS: The reason he was not there to celebrate with Mamie is because he was at war!
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